After a decade in our ‘new’ office space in Dixon Street, it was time for a refresh.
Our goal was a simple, flexible and healthy workspace on a very modest budget.
For economy most of our existing furniture and partitions was reused, with a new reception screen. Part of being sustainable is not needlessly throwing things away – some of our fitout has been repurposed several times over the last 25 years.
A growing body of evidence-based research confirms the benefits to health and productivity of plants, and even the colour green. We adopted this as the theme for our new fitout – which gained the name ‘Gen-Z Jungle’!
Our workstations are arranged to the perimeter of the space, with ‘collaboration stations’ in the centre. Our open workspace is complemented by a sunny staffroom and a shared meeting space.
Our new reception screen is fabricated of high-pressure laminate on ply (our current favourite material). The little climbers are now happily making their way up the training wires.
New LED lighting has helped cut the power bill. We have both opening windows and airconditioning, which seems an ideal combination in Wellington’s climate.